A few months ago, McLube (disclaimer: we didn’t design that site) asked us for some Google AdWords help.  We took one look in their account, got very sad at the state of things, collected ourselves and got down to business.

We assessed what they needed most, as they only wanted us to help out for three months, and decided that a complete overhaul was necessary.  We paused all of the current campaigns, dug into the keyword research, wrote new ads and organized everything into easily managed, effective campaigns.  We could regain you with the mechanics of what we did and how we did it, but we’d rather brag.  Here are the results of our very short three months of work for McLube.

Shrunk their budget per month by $1,000.  That’s per month.  That’s 12 grand a year saved.

That led to a decrease in Cost per Click of 44%.  Pretty good.

With all of this saved money, surely the number of clicks decreased.  NOT SO.  We increased their total clicks by 15%.  Blammo.

To summarize: we made their lives easier by creating a campaign organization system that makes logical sense, plus saved them money (lots of it) while increasing the efficacy of their campaigns.  They’re pretty happy with us.
