Our good friends over at Grady Britton, a full service ad agency here in Portland, needed some help.  They were in the running for a really very big project with Oregon Cultural Trust and asked us to help them pitch the digital side of things.  OCT needs a new brand and a new site.  Grady Britton has the brand stuff down pat, but don’t currently have the digital leadership needed to be comfortable making promises to clients about technical things.

They contacted us and got us up to speed on what was needed for the project and the pitch, so we worked together to craft an excellent pitch, rehearsed it a bit, and then presented to the client in their offices.  To make a short story even shorted, I will cut to the chase.  We won the pitch.  We went in with an excellent all around plan, charmed the pants off of the client (that was all Grady Britton, we brought no charm) and were lucky and skilled enough to win the business.  Grady Britton will get busy on the brand and we will pitch in once again early next year to get the website stuff up to snuff.